Wednesday 30 March 2011

Key Listening Skills

Control distractions - move to a location where there is less noise or other conversations happening to better hear the other person talk.

Understand facts from opinions - Facts are truths and Opinions are personal judgements which can be identified easily when a speaker begins statements as "I think...", "It seems to me...", or "As far as I'm concerned...".

Avoid interrupting and take notes - Wait until the speaker has said all he/she needs to say before adding your own statements. While listening to speakers if you have a pencil and a piece of paper or a little notebook handy take notes on important facts, if not, try to take mental notes and write them down later.

Ask clarifying questions - Ask questions that don't attack the speaker. Open questions are questions without a definite answer to leave room to draw out feelings, motivations, ideas, and suggestions. Closed fact-finding questions should be asked to find key factors.

Paraphrase to increase understanding - Understand what the speaker says and be able to rephrase and summarize it in your own words.

Be aware of gender differences:
Men - Tend to listen to facts. Use interrupting behavior by talking louder or making more noise through banging on objects to control conversation.
Women - See listening as an opportunity to connect with the speaker on a personal level. Women interrupt constructively to elaborate on other members ideas or to generally be involved in the conversation. Also women are less atentive, remain still and nod their heads when listening.

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