Wednesday 9 March 2011

Poor Listening Habits

When in school you are taught to make presentations, reports, and to understand the information read from the teachers notes or textbooks. These focus on reading, speaking, and writing skills, but not as much emphasis is given of listening skills.

Experts say that we listen at only 25% efficiency, meaning we ignore, forget, or misunderstand 75% of everything we hear. This statement is accurate enough knowing the most common bad habits listeners do while listening to someone else speak. The following are a few of the most common factors that contribute to poor listening habits:

  • Lack of training
  • Lack of concentration possibly due to other sounds
  • Lack of interest leading people to tune-out what a speaker is saying. 
  • Interrupting a speaker to get a word in or act like you're paying attention
  • Trying to note every word the speaker says instead of only noting the important information.

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